That we return to our spiritual habitation, to dwell in the city of God. where the presence of God abides within. Within the hearts of his people, his saints.
With our lives hidden in Christ, but made manifest, as a witness to the world that our testimony is true.
worldly freedom binds us in iniquity, where freedom in Christ does not deceive but liberates with truth. The freedom that does not wallow in defeat but cries out with praise--- Victory!!! The victory Jesus has won over sin, death, Satan & the powers of darkness. as these demons are cast out, before such a great cloud of witnesses.
Truth reigns down upon them all, searing the conscience of men & women, everywhere. As Truth floods & drowns their souls with the burden of their sins. As Death is sure to overtake them, which is inevitable. the response to their inner condition, as the clouds dispersed was a vacillating hesitancy that by dawns break, the rising sun brought in a sense of brighter days ahead and so they procrastinated. Not taking into account the limited number of rising suns in one's life and the certain ramifications of eternal consequences due to their rejection of the crucified and risen Christ. Time is short. As the psalmist writes "The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away." Psalm 90:10
Written by: Michael A Gomez 4/26/22.