While I have pondered doing this for quite some time. On a number of occasions I have come close to dealing with this matter, but i was too emotionally attached to seriously taking the steps to eradicating these unhealthy habits and behavior for any real effective change. The Only thing is, changing would not be the cure. While it is good to change for the better, in this matter, the reason for the issue had more to do with a matter of the heart.
a heart becoming more callous, more rigid, indifferent and tainted by the ills of the world. Seeing everything through a political scope, where there seems to be no hope?
For a christian? Allowing politics to have such sway? Choosing a side politically despite obvious reasons that you shouldn't?
Truly, as a christian the Holy spirit has convicted me for partaking in the political Field by taking a side. My conviction From the lord has shown me that neither side is right and both present a great compromise of faith.
Yes, both sides are toxic and very inducive of division, strife and does great damage to sharing and living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In light of The Lord's conviction, I disavow any Political affiliation of any kind.
The gospel of jesus christ should be of paramount importance above any political party or issues that there may be.
Nothing can be more distracting then partaking in Partisan political division.
It only serves as an insidious force That undermines anything that is done for the sake of the gospel. There is no red nor blue in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Grace cannot be garnered.
Compassion cannot be passed by congress.
Forgiveness cannot be filibustered.
Love cannot be legislated.
Mercy cannot be Manufactured.
Healing cannot come by hate.
and Salvation cannot come from the state.
this political renunciation Will no doubt take a concerted effort and extreme commitment on my part. Why?
because when something gets so deeply rooted within you, it is that challenging.
It is the gospel that should be so deeply rooted within to burn with such passion, to be so compelled like that old Testament prophet Jeremiah who received the word of god and it burned in his heart so much that he could do nothing else but to speak gods truth.
So the renunciation Has begun.
First, realize it is a heart issue (And I know the world says to follow your heart, but in Jeremiah from gods word, it says the heart is wicked) so we cannot rely on the desires and whims of our hearts, our only desire should be the lords will, not ours, and this is when the lord gives us the desire of our hearts, when we earnestly seek what he desires. In this, is where my wanderings come to a blinding light. My heart has not been right. I have wandered off the path of God's will.
I have been feeding off politics more than the word of god. it has been nothing but toxic.
Time in the word has been hindered by the wormwood of politics and I allowed this beast to rise from the abyss, and dont be surprised when an epic struggle ensues where you're no longer fighting from the position of Christ’s victory he won for you on the cross, but instead your fighting in your own strength, which is merely a losing battle.
This renunciation does not only mean no posting or talking about politics, But also any daily feed I have had through the algorithms of social media should also be dismantled, defeated and filled with the word of God to an overflow of noahic proportions.
Let the word of the Lord be "written on the tablet of your heart". So no matter where you are, your words and your life are God's word in motion, flesh on words, the logos revealed with skin and bones and a heart of compassion that beats through the love of our lord & savior Jesus Christ.