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Drive to the Wedding written by: Michael A Gomez 1998

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Drive to the wedding

Driving along in my blue Cutlass Supreme.

striving forward and planning a scheme.

trying to find a way to fill my own needs.

without crushing someone else's dreams.

Turning up the volume as biggie preaches on,

vibin' with the groove as biggie rhymes with God.

Feeling a presence till a horn blew, and it was gone.

Then I came to a stop and delivered the bomb.

No, it's not what you think cuz I'm a man of peace.

I stepped out of the car and all war ceased.

I stepped to them with the Jesus Peace.

and in Jesus' name I defeated the Beast.

So, the Beast Burns and burns in the fiery Lake.

along with all the others who had no faith.

while me and my peoples get a piece of the cake.

as we wine and dine in this heavenly place.

From: Apocalypse 2000

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