the 1 year anniversary of 9/11 is upon us and as we remember the events that took place last year. we also need to reflect on the actions taken by president bush in going in after al queda and osama bin laden in afghanistan. while going after them may have disrupted some of their plans by all means it didnt stop them for good. we all know they are still up and running but the question isnt, well i wonder if we put an end to al queda? but rather the question is, when will they strike again? because this is a different kind of war and a different kind of enemy who is spread out throughout the world. and even if al queda is defeated and destroyed there are many more alquedas throughout the world especially in the middle east.
America has many enemies in that region and globally the hate club continues to
Grow. It doesnt matter if they get osama or not there are many other osamas out there who are willing to kill thousands of innocent people to get revenge against america for foul foreign policies in the middle east.
9/11 didnt happen because they hate our freedom or our life style here in the west. it happened because of our foreign policies there, and our support of israel. our biggest reason for being so
active in that region is OIL. this nations interest in israel is the foot in the door to the region and the friendship is wanning with saudi arabia and egypt.
How long will they stand still even now that america threatens to attack iraq and oust saddam hussein. i cant see saudi arabia allowing the americans to use the bases there i cant see saudi arabia giving its support to the us again as in 1991. lets say iraq has these weapons of mass destruction.
a us attack could lead to the death of millions in that region, the numbers would be staggering because i cant see saddam going down without a fight this time around.
I dont doubt that saddam would use them and i could see him taking the war to the streets of iraq, where civilians would surley die and millions of them. taking this war to iraq would be a decision of catastrophic proportions globally. the entire world would be effected by such a battle of that magnitude. i say to our president please dont subject us to this imposing doom, our safety is in your hands but it seems you want to play a hand with cataclysmic repercussions.
mr president 9/11 was a recipricated act of vengence. we dont want to leave our precious lives in the hands of an egotistical leader with a overly prowess dispostion. i believe we should call on god to help us and to pray for our enemies not return the ill favor of revenge that was returned to us in the first place for our lack of love and understanding and benign neglect on our part. mahatma gandhi said it best, "an eye for an eye will only end up leaving the whole world blind".