I have a deep 7 inches of direct dialect.
and a whole 9 sublime when my mind is erect.
thoughts stimulate and you imitate my cause and effect.
as you duplicate what I create, and our actions reflect.
Building mental pyramids like Egyptians Mayans and Aztecs.
and come to only find what all would suspect.
that my mind levitates above the world wide Web, breaking the internet!
reaching above the gods from the ancient times and the new age of high-tech.
all these technological deities whose virus infects.
polluting the minds of all its loyal subjects.
though in its due time will die when the Divine mind resurrects.
But in the meantime, I’m on this mental high as I fly through the sky and Jesus protects.
Written Dec 22, 2018 Undergr0und_guru communications
From: 372019 Mystic
