The forefathers sinned and made many grave mistakes.
by slaying the Indians and African
slaves at the stakes.
Oppressing those not desired in their colonies or states,
discriminating because of their sex, religion, and race.
Sure, our nation has sinned against every man.
When they dropped the bomb on
Hiroshima and killed many in Japan.
Even the holocaust in which they played part of the plan.
in exterminating six million Jews, leaving blood on their hands.
They even slayed many in Korea and Vietnam.
And now they're targeting Osama, Al Qaeda and Saddam.
in what appears to be a battle over oil and not against Islam.
Though they claim they fear the Iraqis nuclear bomb.
Now. they stand on the threshold of God's judgment.
9/11 was just the beginning of God’s punishment.
As they continue to remove God out of schools and government.
The worst is yet to come for America's fate is imminent.
Undergr0und_guru Communications 2023
From: The Resurrection